How We Work

There are a limited number of plots in literature, yet they’ve been the basis for millions of truly unique books, movies, songs and plays. The same is true for businesses – each falls into an established category, yet each is unique.

At Bond/Wooley, our consultants appreciate that business owners and managers have to stick to predictable plots while striving to set themselves above the ordinary.

When a client engages us to develop their business plan, we start with the plot – which in the case of a business is the numbers. We develop a comprehensive financial model driven by variables and research  that we can use with you to test out different scenarios: What would happen if you promoted one product or service over all the others? How would it impact your capital raise requirements if you introduced your products or services in a different order?

These scenarios eventually lead to a capital-to-profit ratio that mitigates risk and sets your company up for a compelling valuation when you go to raise your startup or expansion funds. And it also spells out the company’s best strategy, which we use to develop a compelling, text-based business plan and presentation materials.


Contact Bond/Wooley, Inc.